We understand that creating and managing recurring tasks for your boat can be time-consuming and challenging. With this feature, we hope to simplify this process for you.
Were you able to find the option to create recurring tasks easily?
Were you able to create recurring tasks without any technical issues?
Did you find the process of creating recurring tasks straightforward and easy to follow?
Were there any features missing from the recurring task creation feature that you would like to see?
Did you encounter any issues or glitches while creating recurring tasks?
Were you able to customize the tasks to your liking?
Was there anything you particularly liked or disliked about the recurring task creation process?
Do you have any suggestions for how we could improve the recurring task creation feature?
Did you have any difficulty in finding the recurring tasks you created after they were created?
Were you able to easily edit or delete the recurring tasks you created?
Thank you for all your help!